
Anime By Letter

Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost

The story of political and subversive intrigue in the series finally reaches endgame. Even as the law enforcement net tightens around Saki and her fellow Eden of the East associates over alleged terrorist activities, the complex web surrounding the mysterious Mr. Outside is finally untangled as the...

Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost (Dub)

The story of political and subversive intrigue in the series finally reaches endgame. Even as the law enforcement net tightens around Saki and her fellow Eden of the East associates over alleged terrorist activities, the complex web surrounding the mysterious Mr. Outside is finally untangled as the...

Higashi no Eden: Air Communication

A re-editing of the 11 television episodes of popular anime Higashi no Eden into a feature-length film.

Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou (Dub)

When regular salaryman Yoshida wakes up one Sunday morning after a long night at the bar, the last thing he expects to see is that his tiny apartment has a new resident—an unfamiliar high school girl. The previous night, despite finally gathering the courage to confess to his boss and longtime...

Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.

Office worker Yoshida has been crushing on his coworker, Airi Gotou, for five years. Despite finally scoring a date with her, his confession is promptly rejected. Drunk and disappointed, he stumbles home, only to find a high school girl sitting on the side of the road. The girl, needing a place to...


The story of Higepiyo (literally “Mustache-Peep”) revolves around Hiyoko, a “surreal” bird that happens to have a mustache. Hiyoko can talk with “Piroshi” — Hiroshi, the human boy who bought her at a night fair — and the two are tight friends. In fact, Hiyoko teaches Hiroshi how to win brawls in...

High Card

After discovering that his orphanage was on the brink of closing due to financial stress, Finn, who was living freely on the streets, set out for a casino with the aim of making a fortune. However, nothing could have prepared Finn for the nightmare that was awaiting him. Once there, Finn...

High School DxD

The story follows Issei Hyodo, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the prettiest girl on Issei’s campus.

High School DxD (Dub)

High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen...

High School DxD Born

The third season of High School DxD based on the light novel series by Ichiei Ishibumi.

High School DxD BorN (Dub)

The babes and boys of the Occult Research Club are Back! Lovable loser (and bust buff) Issei and his clan of bewitching beauties return for a new season of supernatural tussles and sexy shenanigans—featuring old friends and new enemies! Now that all the girls live in Issei’s home, life seems like...

High School DxD Hero

Fourth season of High School DxD.

High School DxD Hero (Dub)

Fourth season of High School DxD.

High School DxD New

The story follows Issei Hyodo, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the prettiest girl on Issei’s campus.

High School DxD New (Dub)

The misadventures of Issei Hyoudou, high school pervert and aspiring Harem King, continue on in High School DxD New. As the members of the Occult Research Club carry out their regular activities, it becomes increasingly obvious that there is something wrong with their Knight, the usually composed...

High School DxD OVA

The story follows Issei Hyodo, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the prettiest girl on Issei’s campus.

High School DxD Specials

The story follows Issei Hyodo, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the prettiest girl on Issei’s campus.

High School Fleet Movie

Announced in April 2018.

High School Girls

Eriko, along with pals Yuma and Ayano, tests into an exclusive all-girls high school. Her dream of attending a school full of beautiful, clean, and classy role-model girls is soon shattered, as the reality of an all-girl school sets in. Rumor goes, with an absence boys in the school, an atmosphere...

High School of the Dead (Dub)

It happened suddenly: The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, Takashi Kimuro is forced to kill his best friend when he gets bitten and joins the ranks of the walking dead. Vowing to protect Rei Miyamoto, the girlfriend of the...

High School Star Musical

The story involves a group of high school students at Ayana Academy, a school with music as its main focus. A trio of students are called Hanasakura-kai, designating the most talented from the music department. To get in, individuals must enter through a Star Frame class. The series tells the...

High School Star Musical OVA

A new year arrives as the school festival ends. The season has come as Kaou-kai members leave their jobs after doing their final duties. Each musical team prepares for the final big performance for the year, Graduation Ceremony, to show their gratitude. After Itsuki Ootori left Kaou-kai during the...

High Score

A school comedy with violent and blue jokes. Fujiwara Megumi is a beautiful high school girl but has a selfish and violent character. She has a boyfriend named Matsumoto Masamune, but she often goes around with other boys, who end up as victims due to her selfish behavior.

High Score Girl

The year is 1991 and 6th grader Yaguchi Haruo only has video games to live for. He's not popular in school and he's neither handsome, funny, nice nor even friendly. The only thing he has going for him is that he is good at video games. One day at the local arcade, he plays Oono Akira, a fellow...

High Score Girl (Dub)

The year is 1991, and arcade video games are the latest craze. Becoming a professional gamer is a far-fetched dream in an industry that has yet to spread its influence. Yet, that is the path sixth-grader Haruo Yaguchi wants to pursue. His aptitude for video games has earned him respect in local...

High Score Girl II

Second season of High Score Girl.

High Score Girl II (Dub)

The year is 1996, and second-year high school students Haruo Yaguchi, Akira Oono, and Koharu Hidaka live their lives as passionately about video games as they were five years ago. Brought together by arcade games, what began as a healthy rivalry and friendship has turned into something more. As...

High Score Girl: Extra Stage

Episodes 13-15 of High Score Girl.

High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days

A prequel to the 2013 Kyoto Animation series Free! which is an adaptation of light novel High☆Speed!