
Anime By Letter


The 16-year-old Kurenai Shinkurou is a mediator — a specialist in settling squabbles between people. Despite his youth and easy-going nature, he is a man of some skills when it comes to protecting both his clients and his client's interests. One day he is assigned as a bodyguard for Kuhouin...

Kurenai no Buta (Dub)

Porco Rosso is a veteran WWI fighter pilot turned bounty hunter, who has been transformed into an anthropomorphic pig through a rare curse. He was once known as Marco Pagot while still in his human form, but took up a new alias which suits his current image better, "Red Pig." At the beginning of...

Kurenai OVA

Shinkurou, Murasaki and rest of the female cast take a day off at the hotel pool, only to stumble into a terrorist attack. — Helping Shinkurou in his investigations, Ginko's beloved laptop suddenly stops working, stressing her out even more. — Murasaki's school diary requires inspired moments. This...

Kurenai Sanshirou

Young Sanshiro Kurenai is the proud heir of a judo dojo. One day, he finds his beloved father dead and a glass eye not too far from the corpse. Ready to avenge his father and take his honour back, Sanshiro and his friend Ken start searching for the mysterious one-eyed murderer...

Kuro no Shoukanshi

Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he's bartered away those very memories in exchange for powerful new abilities during his recent transmigration. Heading out into a whole new world as a Summoner—with his first Follower being the very goddess who...

Kuro no Shoukanshi (Dub)

Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he's bartered away those very memories in exchange for powerful new abilities during his recent transmigration. Heading out into a whole new world as a Summoner—with his first Follower being the very goddess who...

Kurogane Communication

In the aftermath of a great and terrible war, Haruka finds herself the last surviving human on Earth. Though humanity may have been wiped out, she is not entirely alone. Advanced robots have survived the apocalypse, and Haruka lives with five who care for her: Spike, a boyish android who is very...

Kurogane Communication (Dub)

In the near future, Earth has been devastated by an immense war. Haruka, one of the few survivors, lives in the ruins of Japan. Knowing no other survivors, she lives with five robots. Spike, the youngest robot, serves as her best friend, Cleric advises her, and Angela destroys her enemies. With...

Kurogane no Linebarrels (Dub)

Fourteen-year-old Kouichi Hayase’s life has always been a mediocre one, if not dismal. However, those days of being bullied by classmates and escaping to a fantasy of being a hero are put to an end when a certain “accident” bestows on him a girl and a gigantic humanoid robot called “LINEBARREL”....

Kurogane no Linebarrels Specials (Dub)

Episodes 25 & 26, added to DVD.

Kurokami OVA (Dub)

Half a year after the battle in Okinawa, Excel was looking for a new Mototsumitama to revenge on Reishin. Excel met Mikami and decided to contract with her. Before making the contract, Excel looked back at the encounter with Steiner.

Kurokami The Animation

In this world, there are three identical looking people in existence who split between them an energy-like force called Terra. This energy can be attributed to the amount of Luck or Life Energy that an individual possesses. There also exists beings who observe the human world, maintaining the...

Kurokami The Animation Special

Half a year after the battle in Okinawa, Excel was looking for a new Mototsumitama to revenge on Reishin. Excel met Mikami and decided to contract with her. Before making the contract, Excel looked back at the encounter with Steiner.

Kuroko no Baske

In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school's basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member of the legendary Generation of Miracles basketball team. Together, Kagami and Kuroko aim to take their team to the...

Kuroko no Baske NG-shuu Special

In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school's basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member of the legendary Generation of Miracles basketball team. Together, Kagami and Kuroko aim to take their team to the...

Kuroko no Baske: Oshaberi Shiyokka

In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school's basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member of the legendary Generation of Miracles basketball team. Together, Kagami and Kuroko aim to take their team to the...

Kuroko no Basket (Dub)

Teikou Junior High School's basketball team is crowned champion three years in a row thanks to five outstanding players who, with their breathtaking and unique skills, leave opponents in despair and fans in admiration. However, after graduating, these teammates, known as "The Generation of...

Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season (Dub)

With the Interhigh Championship finally over, Seirin's basketball team refocuses their efforts, training harder than ever to get the chance to participate in the Winter Cup. Both Kuroko and Kagami see old friends walk back into their lives, providing a challenge both on and off the court. As new...

Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season NG-shuu

Animated bloopers, based on the extra section of the original manga series, included with the BD/DVD series for Kuroko no Basket Second Season (both limited and normal editions).

Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season

The third season of Kuroko no Basket.

Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season (Dub)

Following their triumph against Yousen High, Seirin's basketball team has reached the semifinals of the Winter Cup along with Kaijou, Rakuzan, and Shuutoku. Each of these teams possesses a member of the Generation of Miracles, and Seirin prepares to face the largest obstacles on their path to...

Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season NG-shuu

Animated bloopers included with the Blu-ray/DVD releases of the Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season.

Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup Soushuuhen - Kage to Hikari

First of three compilation films of Kuroko no Basket.

Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup Soushuuhen - Namida no Saki e

Second of three compilation films of Kuroko no Basket.

Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup Soushuuhen - Tobira no Mukou

Third of three compilation films of Kuroko no Basket.

Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game

Hailing from America, Jabberwock—a street basketball team with skills comparable to those of the NBA—has come to Japan to play an exhibition match against Strky, a team of former third-year students who once played in the Interhigh and Winter Cup. However, due to the vast difference in skill,...

Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game (Dub)

Hailing from America, Jabberwock—a street basketball team with skills comparable to those of the NBA—has come to Japan to play an exhibition match against Strky, a team of former third-year students who once played in the Interhigh and Winter Cup. However, due to the vast difference in skill,...

Kuroko no Basket OVA

Bundled with the 25th volume of Kuroko no Basket manga. The anime based on the Baka Ja Katenai no yo (??????????) story that was featured in the manga’s fifth volume.

Kuroko no Basket: Baka ja Katenai no yo!

Bundled with the 25th volume of Kuroko no Basket manga. The anime based on the Baka Ja Katenai no yo (バカじゃ勝てないのよ) story that was featured in the manga's fifth volume.

Kuroko no Basket: Baka ja Katenai no yo! (Dub)

Bundled with the 25th volume of Kuroko no Basket manga. The anime based on the Baka Ja Katenai no yo (バカじゃ勝てないのよ) story that was featured in the manga's fifth volume.