
Anime By Letter

Kamiarizuki no Kodomo (Dub)

This is a story of a 12-year-old girl, Kanna, born as a descendant of the Gods. Her family has a mission to deliver offerings from all over Japan to the Gods’ gathering in Izumo. Although Kanna’s mother was to complete the mission, her passing prompted Kanna to finish the task, hoping she could...

Kamichama Karin

Kamichama Karin is about a 7th grader named Hanazono Karin. Her parents and beloved cat, Shi-chan recently died, she's getting horrible grades and is forced to live with her aunt. One day, Karin meets a young, orphaned, 7th grade boy named Kujyou Kazune, and discovers that her mother's ring has the...


In an idyllic town by the Japanese Inland Sea, people are living peacefully along with the local kami (shinto deities), mononoke, and other spirits. One day during lunch, middle schooler Hitotsubashi Yurie abruptly announces to her friend that she has become a kami. This causes the elder...

Kamichu! (Dub)

Yurie Hitotsubashi was just an average middle school student living in the city of Onomichi on Japan's inland sea in the easygoing times of the 1980s. She spent her days worrying about exams and trying to get Kenji, the clueless boy she likes, to notice her. Then during lunch one day she suddenly...

Kamigami no Asobi

The story revolves around Kusanagi Yui, who is ordered by Zeus, a god and the headmaster of a school he created, to teach the meaning of love to young and handsome gods. The reason he has for doing this is to cancel the negative effects of the weakening bond between the world of the divine and the...

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

As the end of the century draws near, God's and the Devil's agents are racing to gain power. The Devil has been preparing by placing demons in beautiful works of art in order to lure unsuspecting humans into protecting them. It is up to Kaitou Jeanne, the reincarnation of Jeanne dArc, and her angel...

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou

Yukito's parents are the leaders of a cult. After he gets sacrificed, he gets reincarnated into another world where religion doesn't exist and porn books are akin to a child's doodles. He finds that it's also a world where your life and death is decided by the country. While obstructing his...

Kamisama Dolls (Dub)

Kyouhei, after moving away to Tokyo from his old town to get away from the events that happened, is on a goukon with his friends, including his old neighbor, Shiba. After drinking for a whole night, he and Shiba discover a dead, bloody body in the elevator. He is told by his younger sister, Utao...

Kamisama Hajimemashita

High schooler Nanami Momozono has quite a few problems of late, beginning with her absentee father being in such extreme debt that they lose everything. Downtrodden and homeless, she runs into a man being harassed by a dog. After helping him, she explains her situation, and to her surprise, he...

Kamisama Hajimemashita (Dub)

Nanami Momozono is alone and homeless after her dad skips town to evade his gambling debts and the debt collectors kick her out of her apartment. So when a man she's just saved from a dog offers her his home, she jumps at the opportunity. But it turns out that his place is a shrine, and Nanami has...

Kamisama Hajimemashita 2

Second season of Kamisama Hajimemashita series.

Kamisama Hajimemashita 2nd Season (Dub)

Nanami Momozono and her familiars Tomoe and Mizuki have survived quite a few challenges since Nanami took up the mantle of Mikage Shrine's patron god. Naturally, the wind god Otohiko comes to invite Nanami to the Divine Assembly in Izumo, the home of the gods, and Nanami chooses to take Mizuki with...

Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen

OVAs based on the "past arc" of the series, which spans the 14th through 17th volumes of the manga.

Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru

Bundled with the official fanbook.

Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama

Cocotama are tiny gods born from the thoughts and feelings of objects that people use with great care. The fact that Cocotama wear part of the egg they hatch out of as underwear is proof that they are still apprentices. The Cocotama use a mysterious magic, and they train hard to be of use to humans...

Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama - Minarai Cocotama-dou

Short episodes that introduce the Cocotama's from Kirakira Happy★Hirake! Cocotama TV series.

Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama Movie - Kiseki wo Okose♪ Tepple to Dokidoki Cocotama-kai

In the franchise, "Cocotama" are tiny gods born from the thoughts and feelings of objects that people use with great care. The fact that Cocotama wear part of the egg they hatch out of as underwear is proof that they are still apprentices. The Cocotama use a mysterious magic, and they train hard to...

Kamisama ni Natta Hi

At the end of the last summer vacation of high school, Youta Narukami spends his days preparing for the university entrance exams, when a young girl named Hina suddenly appears, proclaiming herself as the "god of omniscience." Youta is confused and does not believe Hina when she tells him "The...

Kamisama ni Natta Hi (Dub)

At the end of the last summer vacation of high school, Youta Narukami spends his days preparing for the university entrance exams, when a young girl named Hina suddenly appears, proclaiming herself as the "god of omniscience." Youta is confused and does not believe Hina when she tells him "The...

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (Dub)

God has abandoned the world. As a result, life cannot end nor can new life be born, and the "dead" walk restlessly among the living. Granting one last miracle before turning away forever, God created "gravekeepers," mystical beings capable of putting the dead to rest through a proper burial. Ai...

Kamisama no Memochou (Dub)

Narumi Fujishima isn't your typical high school student. He's never really fit in and has become increasingly more isolated from his fellow classmates. But he's not alone, and when Ayaka, the sole member of the Gardening Club, introduces him to the reclusive girl who lives above the ramen shop,...

Kamiwaza Wanda

In a world where everything is programmed and operated by mysterious monsters called Promin, all troubles (bugs) that happen around are caused by Bugmin, bugged Promin. With the help of space dog Wanda, a boy named Yuuto tries to catch as many Bugmin as possible before serious consequences emerge.

Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri

Despite lacking the skills suited for his role on the Metropolitan Police Department investigative team, Totomaru Isshiki wants to solve murders and help people. Following the advice of one of his seniors, he ventures out to enlist the aid of the reclusive Ron Kamonohashi. Five years ago, Ron was...


Senou Natsuru is your normal, everyday high school student. However, one morning he wakes up and finds himself turned into a beautiful girl. A stuffed tiger Harakiri Tora tells him then, that he has been chosen to be a Kämpfer (German for "fighter"), who has to fight other Kämpfer with either guns,...

Kämpfer (Dub)

Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guys' fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminatized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger that he's now a Kampfer, a mystical fighter who has to fight other Kampfers in female form, his life becomes a living...

Kämpfer für die Liebe (Dub)

A two-episode special. They are designated as Episodes 13 and 14, and the first episode is a direct sequel to the previous series while the second episode is about the trans-sex of Natsuru.

Kampfer Special

Senou Natsuru is your normal, everyday high school student. However, one morning he wakes up and finds himself turned into a beautiful girl. A stuffed tiger Harakiri Tora tells him then, that he has been chosen to be a Kämpfer (German for "fighter"), who has to fight other Kämpfer with either guns,...

Kamui no Ken

A young boy named Jiro finds his mother and sister murdered in his home. Falsely accused of the crime, he flees from his village and meets a priest named Tenkai, who has him kill a rogue ninja named Tarouza. After fulfilling that task, Jiro undergoes training to become a master assassin. Many years...

Kamui no Ken (Dub)

A young boy named Jiro finds his mother and sister murdered in his home. Falsely accused of the crime, he flees from his village and meets a priest named Tenkai, who has him kill a rogue ninja named Tarouza. After fulfilling that task, Jiro undergoes training to become a master assassin. Many years...