
Anime By Letter

Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala (Dub)

Miho Shinohara is a care-free third-grader and an aspiring manga artist. One day, she encounters Mogu and Pigu - two lost fairies disguised as stuffed animals. In exchange for staying at her home until they find a way to return to their own world, the fairies give Miho a special sketch pad and...

Mahou no Star Magical Emi

Kozuki Mai is an elementary student who wants to be a magician and perform in her family's "Magicarat" magical act; however, she is too young, and her magic skills are not very good. Then one day, she encounters a ball of light that was put into a stuffed doll of flying squirrel, bringing it to...

Mahou no Star Magical Emi: Semishigure

An OVA that both summarizes and continues the Mahou no Star Magical Emi TV series.

Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami

Creamy Mami is about a young girl, Yuu, who after seeing a spaceship is given the power to use magic for one year. She is also given 2 cats, Poji and Nega, to watch over and guide her. Using her magic powers to transform into the idol Creamy Mami, Yuu must work hard at acting, singing, helping her...

Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami: Eien no Once More

The first 45 minutes is a recap of the original series and the remaining 40 minutes has a new story. Two months after Creamy Mami's final concert, rumors began to spread that Mami was making a come back, and if that wasn't surprising enough, Tachibana starts a "Project M" and that seems to have...

Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami: Long Goodbye

Shingo is planning the film "A Story of Two Worlds" starring Megumi. Yuu's transformation into Creamy Mami is happening without her wanting it. She is asked to star in the film too. But the magic doesn't last...

Mahou no Yousei Persia

11-year-old Persia has grown up alongside the animals on the Serengeti plains of Africa. Twins Riki and Gaku Muroi and their grandfather, Gouken, bring Persia to Japan with them, where she will live with a couple (who Persia calls Mama and Papa) that own a grocery store. During the flight to Japan,...

Mahou Sensei Negima

Plot Summary: 10-year old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one- to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarasses...

Mahou Sensei Negima! (Dub)

10-year-old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one—to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarrasses one of his...

Mahou Sensei Negima! Anime Final (2011)

An animated feature film based on the Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga.

Mahou Sensei Negima! Mou Hitotsu no Sekai

Plot Summary: 10-year old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one- to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarasses...

Mahou Sensei Negima!: Introduction Film

Before the beginning of the series, three OVAs were produced for the sole purpose of introducing the characters. The first two were released on DVD bundled with two drama CDs, with the third being sold separately. It is unknown if these will ever be released outside of Japan. The first OVA is a...

Mahou Sensei Negima!: Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba

OVA episodes that are bundled with the limited edition of the manga volumes 23-25. First episode to cover chapters 176 and 177 of the manga. Second episode to cover chapters 178-180. And third episode to cover chapters 182 and 183.

Mahou Sensei Negimahiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba

Plot Summary: 10-year old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one- to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarasses...

Mahou Sensou

In this modern magic action story, Takeshi Nanase is an ordinary high school boy who has a somewhat dark past. Due to certain circumstances, he formed a “fake” couple with his childhood friend Kurumi Isoshima, but otherwise, he lives a normal life. However, one day, he comes across a girl named Mui...

Mahou Sensou (Dub)

The world as we know it is actually just half the story, as Takeshi Nanase finds out abruptly one summer morning. On his way to kendo practice, Takeshi comes across an unconscious girl in a uniform he doesn't recognize. Takeshi does the decent thing and saves her, and in return the girl wakes up...

Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku

The highly popular social network game "Magical Girl Raising Project" is a miraculous game that produces real Magical Girls with a chance of 1 in 10000 for each person. Girls who are lucky enough to gain the power of magic spend fulfilling days. But one day, the administration arbitrarily announces...

Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku (Dub)

The highly popular social network game "Magical Girl Raising Project" is a miraculous game that produces real Magical Girls with a chance of 1 in 10000 for each person. Girls who are lucky enough to gain the power of magic spend fulfilling days. But one day, the administration arbitrarily announces...

Mahou Shoujo Lalabel

Lalabel is a magical girl who arrives in the Human world to stop an evil wizard from stealing various magical objects or items. As a magical girl, she has a kitty for a companion and a magic wand. Coincidentally, she lands on the doorstep of the Tachibana couple and lives in with them during her...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's

After solving the incident of the scattered Jewel Seeds, Nanoha Takamachi happily returns to her everyday life, though now with added magic practice in the morning. Exchanging video messages with Fate Testarossa and the crew of the Arthra, Nanoha eagerly awaits the chance to speak with them in...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's (Dub)

After the events of the Lost Logia case, Nanoha waits patiently for the day she can reunite with her newfound friend, Fate. Although being an exceptionally powerful mage, Nanoha spends her days normally with her friends on Earth. But peace is once again suddenly shattered, as Nanoha is without...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid

Set four years after StrikerS, Nanoha finally has time to get off her feet. Now explore the Nanoha world in Vivio Takamichi's shoes and her device, Sacred Heart.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection

This film, unlike 1st and 2nd, have a brand new original story using elements from other media, such as the manga Nanoha Force (for Bardiche and Raising Heart new design) and the PsP game Gears of Destiny, as the Florian sisters are introduced here. It's the first part of a two-part story.

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st (2010)

Takamachi Nanoha is a normal third-grader who feels a little useless and out-of-place with no purpose. Then one day, she saves a ferret, who turns out to be a mage from another planet who came to this planet to search for the jewel seeds. Nanoha agrees to help, but this task gets complicated when...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A`s

After the events of the Lost Logia case, Nanoha waits patiently for the day she can reunite with her newfound friend, Fate. Although being an exceptionally powerful mage, Nanoha spends her days normally with her friends on Earth. But peace is once again suddenly shattered, as Nanoha is without...

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Madoka, an ordinary second year of Third Takihara Junior High; one day, a girl named Homura that looks exactly as she appears in Madoka’s dream transferred to her school. From that meeting with a miraculous girl, Madoka have to stand against her new fate as a magical girl

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 1: Beginnings

First two films are a compilation of the television series and the third film is an all-new story.Urobuchi Gen said that the third film's story coincidentally matches the lyrics to Kalafina's television ending theme song Magia if one examines them carefully.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 2: Eternal

First two films are a compilation of the television series and the third film is an all-new story.Urobuchi Gen said that the third film's story coincidentally matches the lyrics to Kalafina's television ending theme song Magia if one examines them carefully.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3: Rebellion

First two films are a compilation of the television series and the third film is an all-new story.Urobuchi Gen said that the third film's story coincidentally matches the lyrics to Kalafina's television ending theme song Magia if one examines them carefully.