
Anime By Letter

Tower of Druaga The Aegis of Uruk

Half a year has passed since monsters disappeared from the the tower of druaga, thanks to Jil and his companions who defeated the evil god Druaga, Jil and Fatina survived the colapse of the tower and try to live their lives after the betrayal of Neeba and Kaaya. This changed when they rescue a...

Tower of Druaga The Sword of Uruk

Half a year has passed since monsters disappeared from the the tower of druaga, thanks to Jil and his companions who defeated the evil god Druaga, Jil and Fatina survived the colapse of the tower and try to live their lives after the betrayal of Neeba and Kaaya. This changed when they rescue a...

Toyama Kankou Anime Project

The Toyama Kankou Anime Project is a visualization of the three most popular tourist spots of the Toyama prefecture: Tateyama Kurobu Alpine Route; firefly squid from the mysterious ocean of the Toyama Bay; Gokayama known for its architectural world heritage Gasshouzukuri. The animation is done...


Fleeing from the war that has raged on the planet Cybertron for millions of years, the heroic Autobots led by Optimus Prime encounter a surprise attack by the evil Decepticons led by Megatron. The ensuing melee aboard the Autobot ship ends when the ship crashes on a volcano. Four million years...

Transformers Armada (Dub)

On the mechanical planet of Cybertron live super robotic organisms known as Transformers. There, mainly consisting of convoys, the Cybertron army, and their old enemy Destron fell into conflict to gain hold of a new power to join their side. A new breed of Transformers known as the Microns. But,...

Transformers Beast: Machines (Dub)

Three hundred years have passed since the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons. Cybertron is ruled by the Maximals, the descendants of the Autobots. They are at peace with the Predacons, the descendants of the Decepticons. One particular Predacon is looking to start trouble again....

Transformers Galaxy Force

Forced to abandon their home planet of Cybertron due to the threat of the Blackhole, Optimus Prime prepares to lead his autobot warriors to Earth. Just as they are leaving they are confronted by Vector Prime who warns Optimus Prime of the threat to the galaxy if the four Cyber Planet Keys are not...

Transformers Galaxy Force (Dub)

Forced to abandon their home planet of Cybertron due to the threat of the Blackhole, Optimus Prime prepares to lead his autobot warriors to Earth. Just as they are leaving they are confronted by Vector Prime who warns Optimus Prime of the threat to the galaxy if the four Cyber Planet Keys are not...

Transformers Headmasters

Headmasters starts with Galvatron leading a new batch of Destrons to wage war on Cybertron, the Destron Headmasters. The Cybertrons are rescued by the arrival of the Cybertron Headmasters, led by Fortress (Cerebros, the head of Fortress Maximus). It is revealed that Fortress Maximus left Cybertron...

Transformers Headmasters (Dub)

Headmasters starts with Galvatron leading a new batch of Destrons to wage war on Seibertron, the Destron Headmasters. The Cybertrons are rescued by the arrival of the Cybertron Headmasters, led by Fortress (Cerebros, the head of Fortress Maximus). It is revealed that Fortress left Seibertron...

Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising (Dub)

Chronicles the epic battle between the Decepticons and the Autobots in their mission to defend Earth and one day restore their home planet of Cybertron.

Transformers Superlink

It has been 10 years since the fateful battle with Unicron. Many of the Decepticons who fought in the battle against Unicron have joined forces with the Autobos to mine for Energon, an alternate energy source. But a new source of evil has a risen, Alpha Q who plans to steal the Energon from the...

Transformers Superlink (Dub)

It has been 10 years since the fateful battle with Unicron. Many of the Decepticons who fought in the battle against Unicron have joined forces with the Autobos to mine for Energon, an alternate energy source. But a new source of evil has a risen, Alpha Q who plans to steal the Energon from the...

Transformers Superlink Special

Episode 43.5, "Distribution", is a comedic special show which commemorates 500 episodes of Transformers in Japan (however, since that total includes assorted Japanese series, the west is still some distance away from this number). When aired in Japan, it did not air in the usual timeslot for...

Transformers Superlink Special

Episode 43.5, "Distribution", is a comedic special show which commemorates 500 episodes of Transformers in Japan (however, since that total includes assorted Japanese series, the west is still some distance away from this number). When aired in Japan, it did not air in the usual timeslot for...

Transformers: Animated Season 01 (Dub)

Transformers crash land on present day Earth and inadvertently cause a technological revolution. They wake up 50 years later in a world where robots are used in everyday life. StarScream arrives looking for their AllSpark.

Transformers: Animated Season 02 (Dub)

Transformers crash land on present day Earth and inadvertently cause a technological revolution. They wake up 50 years later in a world where robots are used in everyday life. StarScream arrives looking for their AllSpark.

Transformers: Animated Season 03 (Dub)

Transformers crash land on present day Earth and inadvertently cause a technological revolution. They wake up 50 years later in a world where robots are used in everyday life. StarScream arrives looking for their AllSpark.

Transformers: Beast Wars (Dub)

The Transformers' war continues in an older time, through a new generation. On pliocenic Earth, the heroic Maximals and the evil Predacons battle for survival against each other and against a violent planet.

Transformers: Car Robots

The evil Gigatron has led his forces of Destrongers to Earth, where they seek to pillage the planet for its vast energy resources in order to fuel their war against the Autobots. If successful, the Destrongers will finally be able to tip the scale of power in the war to their favor, eliminating the...

Transformers: Car Robots (Dub)

An evil race of transforming robots known as the Destronger make their appearance known by invading a world exposition in New York and abducting Professor Onishi, a renowned scientist. The professor's son Yuuki befriends Fire Convoy and the heroic Cybertron forces, who will stop at nothing to...

Transformers: Choujin Master Force

Even though the Decepticons have been driven off Earth, a small team of Autobot Pretenders have remained behind, just in case. Led by Metalhawk ("Hawk" in his human identity), the Pretenders live among the humans, using their Pretender shells to assume human size and appearance. The Autobots'...

Transformers: Choujin Master Force (Dub)

Even though the Decepticons have been driven off Earth, a small team of Autobot Pretenders have remained behind, just in case. Led by Metalhawk ("Hawk" in his human identity), the Pretenders live among the humans, using their Pretender shells to assume human size and appearance. The Autobots'...

Transformers: Combiner Wars

The Transformers war heats up when the Autobots and Decepticons create combining robots to battle each other.

Transformers: Power of the Primes

In the aftermath of the Titans’ conflict that concluded into Optimus Prime’s death, the rest of the Transformers must stand together in order to stop Megatronus from wiping out their species forever. During their search for the Requiem Blaster, more mysteries about Cybertron’s past will be...

Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 1

Follow the adventure of four young transformers, Heatwave, Chase, Blades and Boulder, and their human counterparts: a family of emergency responders.

Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 2

Follow the adventure of four young transformers, Heatwave, Chase, Blades and Boulder, and their human counterparts: a family of emergency responders.

Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 3

Follow the adventure of four young transformers, Heatwave, Chase, Blades and Boulder, and their human counterparts: a family of emergency responders.