
Anime By Letter

Wolf's Rain (Dub)

In some distant future, it's common knowledge that all wolves have been extinct for 200 years. However, it seems this is false as wolves have not disappeared but rather have taken human form. Kiba, a lone wolf, wanders into a city, trying to sniff out the Lunar Flowers that are supposed to lead...

Wolfs Rain

In some distant future, it’s common knowledge that all wolves have been extinct for 200 years. However, it seems this is false as wolves have not disappeared but rather have taken human form. Kiba, a lone wolf, wanders into a city, trying to sniff out the Lunar Flowers that are supposed to lead...


Next in the four-part Marvel Anime project and broadcasts after the Iron Man anime. Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced psychical capabilities, three retracting bone claws on each hand and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease or...

Wolverine (Dub)

Logan learns that his girlfriend, Mariko Yashida, who disappeared a year ago, has been taken to Tokyo by her father Shingen, who is the head of a Japanese crime syndicate and a supplier of AIM. He then decides to head to Japan to find her and take her back, no matter what.

Wolverine Vs Hulk (Dub)

Alberta, Canada. The Incredible Hulk has been tearing a line across the Canadian countryside, leaving a swath of destruction in his wake. He has to be stopped, and there's only one man up to the job. He's the best there is at what he does, but what he does isn't very nice. He's Wolverine, an elite...

Wonder 3

Wonder 3 is an Osamu Tezuka manga and a black and white anime series. It involved the adventures of three agents from outer space who were sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should be destroyed. The instrument of destruction is a device resembling a...

Wonder 3 (Dub)

Wonder 3 is an Osamu Tezuka manga and a black and white anime series. It involved the adventures of three agents from outer space who were sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should be destroyed. The instrument of destruction is a device resembling a...

Wonder Egg Priority

A story of troubled girls, spun by screenwriter Shinji Nojima in the world of anime. Led by a mysterious voice while on a midnight stroll, 14-year-old girl Ai Ooto picks up an egg. The voice coaxes her: "If you want to change the future, you only need to choose now. Now, believe in yourself and...

Wonder Egg Priority (Dub)

A story of troubled girls, spun by screenwriter Shinji Nojima in the world of anime. Led by a mysterious voice while on a midnight stroll, 14-year-old girl Ai Ooto picks up an egg. The voice coaxes her: "If you want to change the future, you only need to choose now. Now, believe in yourself and...

Wonder Egg Priority Special

Special episode concluding the story of Wonder Egg Priority.

Wonder Egg Priority Special (Dub)

Special episode serving as the conclusion to the anime series.

Wonder Momo

One day, a group of aliens planning to take over Earth invade Tokyo. Momoko, who aspires to be an idol, gets involved in the fight in an unexpected form. Warudemon, king of the alien empire, uses various tactics to hunt down Momoko and the people around her. Momoko then decides to stand up to the...

Wonderful Days

In the year 2142, the Earth has deteriorated into a murky hell due to an environmental disaster. An elite group of humans has built a fortified, "self-growing" city called Ecoban that converts the surrounding pollution into energy. Meanwhile, hordes of downtrodden survivors subsist outside the city...

Wonderful Days (Dub)

The final version is set in 2142 A.D., a century after humanity’s carelessness resulted in the collapse of Earth’s biosphere. The only survivors are a technological society in a magnificent enclosed scientifically-designed refuge city, Ecoban, and a small horde of refugees in the Wasteland just...

Wooser no Sono Higurashi

3D shorts centered around Wooser, a mysterious mascot character whose charming appearance belies a corrupt heart.

Wooser no Sono Higurashi 2 Kakusei-hen

Second season of Wooser no Sono Higurashi.

Wooser no Sono Higurashi: Mugen-hen

Third season of Wooser no Sono Higurashi.


The story is set in a family restaurant named Wagnaria in the northern Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido. S?ta works part-time among the restaurant’s high-spirited, mysterious, yet cool staffers.

Working Season 2

The story is set in a family restaurant named Wagnaria in the northern Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido. S?ta works part-time among the restaurant’s high-spirited, mysterious, yet cool staffers.


The third season of the Working!! series.

World Dai Star

TV Anime for World Dai Star media mix project

World Destruction

In a world where humans serve as livestock for the ruling beastman, and where sand fills the roles of water and fire. Kyrie is recruited by the “World Destruction Committee” to assist in putting an end to their world. Kyrie alone holds the power needed to do it. In a world where humans serve...

World Fool News

Takahashi is transferred to a main anchor of a news program, which is known for being a little...weird. This is a comedy about somewhat ridiculous happenings occurring at a broadcasting station.

World Fool News Part II

Direct continuation of World Fool News (TV).

World Trigger

A gate to another dimension has burst open, and from it emerge gigantic invincible creatures that threaten all of humanity. Earth's only defense is a mysterious group of warriors who have co-opted the alien technology in order to fight back!

World Trigger

A gate to another dimension has burst open, and from it emerge gigantic invincible creatures that threaten all of humanity. Earth's only defense is a mysterious group of warriors who have co-opted the alien technology in order to fight back!

World Trigger (Dub)

When a gate to another world suddenly opens on Earth, Mikado City is invaded by strange creatures known as "Neighbors," malicious beings impervious to traditional weaponry. In response to their arrival, an organization called the Border Defense Agency has been established to combat the Neighbor...

World Trigger 2nd Season

Second season of World Trigger.

World Trigger 2nd Season (Dub)

After successfully holding off the invasion by Aftokrator, the Border Defense Agency prepares an away mission into the Neighbor's dimension. However, like in previous scouting expeditions, only A-rank teams are certain to secure a spot. As the B-rank wars continue, Osamu Mikumo and the rest of...

World Trigger 3rd Season

Third season of World Trigger.