
Anime By Letter

Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time

While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yusei Fudos's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in...

Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time (Dub)

While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yuusei Fudou's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yuusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in...

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (Dub)

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's, set in the not too distant future, is the sequel to Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX. Following on from its predecessors, the show is centered on the Duel Monsters Card Game. Neo Domino City, a newer, evolved city is the largest in the world, watched over by its Director, Rex Godwin....

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (Dub)

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's, set in the not too distant future, is the sequel to Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX. Following on from its predecessors, the show is centered on the Duel Monsters Card Game. Neo Domino City, a newer, evolved city is the largest in the world, watched over by its Director, Rex Godwin....

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

Many years in the future after the exploits of Yugi Mutou, Domino City has become a shadow of its former self: Neo Domino City. There lies a strong divide between the rich and the poor, and bridging that gap proves to be difficult. Neo Domino seems fit to entertain itself with a wild new event...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

The 5th Yu-Gi-Oh! series with an original storyline.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V (Dub)

Action Duels, which allow duelists to soar and swing alongside their Duel Monsters, are taking the world by storm. Due to an evolutionary breakthrough, the "Solid Vision" system is now able to provide Duel Monsters with mass. Yuuya Sakaki is Yuusho Sakaki's son, the latter being the founder of...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters

Capsule Monsters involves Yugi, Joey (Jonouchi), Téa (Anzu), Tristan (Honda), and Yugi’s grandfather Solomon (Sugoroku) being pulled into a world where Duel Monsters are real. They find monster capsules that they can use to summon monsters. It is similar to the Virtual RPG arc in many respects, but...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

3000 Years ago marked the turning point of an Egyptian Dynasty; the Pharaoh’s spirit was sealed inside one of the ancient relics, the Millennium Puzzle, after saving the kingdom from an enemy army. Now, in the present age, the Millennium Puzzle is found by a young boy, Yugi Mutou, who unlocks the...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Dub)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters centers around the journey of the spirit of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who is trying to re-discover who he was many years ago, since he has lost his memories. With the help of a boy, Yugi Mutou, the one who awakened the spirit, and his friends, he battles many villains and...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX (Dub)

Duel Academy, one of the most prestigious schools in Duel Monster's history. There students learn the fundamentals of becoming not just duelists, but large business owners. Yuki Judai is a new student with only one thing on his mind, to become the next King Of Games. Judai meets several friends,...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX (Dub)

Duel Academy, one of the most prestigious schools in Duel Monster's history. There students learn the fundamentals of becoming not just duelists, but large business owners. Yuki Judai is a new student with only one thing on his mind, to become the next King Of Games. Judai meets several friends,...

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Set a generation into the future, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX revolves around a boy named Jaden Yuki as he begins his life at Duel Academy, owned by Kaiba Corp. While running late for his entrance exams, Jaden bumps into Yugi Muto, the King of Games! Seeing a Duel Disk and deck, Yugi thinks he must be a duelist,...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Pyramid of Light

Based on the trading card and television series phenomenon,Yu-Gi-Oh! is the story of Yugi, a boy captivated by the card game sweeping the nation: Duel Monsters! But there's more to the game than meets the eye, for it contains ancient mystical energies that can change the course of history! Deep...


The theme for the new work is "Let's take one step forward and try it!" Yuusaku hates standing out, and at his school he doesn't. However, Yuusaku starts meeting others through duels, and starts moving forward.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

The story takes place in the distant future and focuses on a boy named Yuma Tsukumo, the number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happens when Ryoga challenges him to a Duel as the mysterious ghost of Astral appears before them, a new legend begins.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal (Dub)

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal follows the adventures of Yuuma Tsukumo in his hometown, the futuristic city of Heartland. Yuuma is an amateur duelist who wants to become the world's greatest Duel Monsters champion, having learned the basics of dueling from his father who disappeared long ago under mysterious...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II (Dub)

A new enemy has been revealed - Barian. They wish to gather the "Numbers" and destroy the Astral World to avoid their own world's destruction. As such, Yuma and his friends are their prime target, and the Barian begin to slowly enter Heartland City.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Second

Second Season of Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Pyramid of Light (Dub)

Anubis, an ancient Egyptian evil that was defeated by Yugi's alter ego centuries ago, has returned to exact revenge. Wielding the power of the Eighth Millennium Item, Anubis is determined to destroy Yugi and take over the world.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! (Movie)

"Blue Eyes White Dragon will bring victory" while "Red Eyes Black Dragon will bring the potential of victory". A shy duelist stumbles upon the legendary Red Eyes Black Dragon, with that card in his possession, he must learn to bring out his confidence to duel.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's: Shinkasuru Kettou! Stardust vs. Red Demon's

A non-canon Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's special from the 2008 Super Jump Anime Tour. Yuusei Fudou and Jack Atlas face off in a Riding Duel for the title of Duel King, with Aki and the twins watching. The ace dragons, Stardust Dragon and Red Daemon's Dragon, clash once again, and this time gain the power to...

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions

Set six months after the events of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yuugi Mutou and his friends are in their final year of high school and are talking about what they will do in the future. Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba has commissioned an excavation to retrieve the disassembled Millennium Puzzle from the...

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS (Dub)

In the city of Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as Link Vrains, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other. As a mysterious hacker organisation known as the Knights of Hanoi threaten this world, a...

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Go Rush!!

The eighth anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens

A new television anime series for the 20th anniversary of the anime franchise.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens (Dub)

In the ever-growing world of Duel Monsters, as duelists improve their skills and rise up the ranks, duels become increasingly complex. By adhering to strict rules, in addition to using and learning proven strategies, one can develop into a strong duelist. However, as a boy who loves inventions and...

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions - MOVIE

Set six months after the events of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yugi Muto and his friends are in their final year of high school and are talking about what they will do in the future. Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba has commissioned an excavation to retrieve the disassembled Millennium Puzzle from the ruins...

Yuan Long

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Yuan Long 2nd Season

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