
Anime By Letter

Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja

Sakimori Kagami plays a VRMMORPG called Arch Earth Online. He is a veteran player with the name and appearance similar to an elderly bearded wizard from a certain book about a ring. One day he purchases an appearance change item as a last resort to spend expiring currency and gets the idea of...

Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja (Dub)

Sakimori Kagami plays a VRMMORPG called Arch Earth Online. He is a veteran player with the name and appearance similar to an elderly bearded wizard from a certain book about a ring. One day he purchases an appearance change item as a last resort to spend expiring currency and gets the idea of...

Kenja no Mago

A young man who had surely died in an accident, was reborn in another world as a baby! After that, he was picked up by the patriot hero "Sage" Merlin Wolford and was given the name Shin. He was raised as a grandson by Merlin and soaked up Merlin's teachings, earning him some shocking powers;...

Kenja no Mago (Dub)

A young man who had surely died in an accident, was reborn in another world as a baby! After that, he was picked up by the patriot hero "Sage" Merlin Wolford and was given the name Shin. He was raised as a grandson by Merlin and soaked up Merlin's teachings, earning him some shocking powers;...

Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys

Kenka Banchou Otome - Girl Beats Boys, Hinako Nakayama has spent all of her life being raised in state-run orphanages, without ever knowing her family. As she's about to enter high school, Hinako is approached by Hikaru, a boy who claims to be her twin brother. According to Hikaru, Hikaru and...

Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys (Dub)

Kenka Banchou Otome - Girl Beats Boys, Hinako Nakayama has spent all of her life being raised in state-run orphanages, without ever knowing her family. As she's about to enter high school, Hinako is approached by Hikaru, a boy who claims to be her twin brother. According to Hikaru, Hikaru and...

Kenkou Zenrakei Suieibu Umishou

Within the Kanagawa prefecture lies the seaside city of Umineko. There, Okiura Kaname, a 2nd year high school student, attends Umineko Shougyou High School (or Umisho for short). He is also the manager of Umisho's swim team though he himself does not know how to swim. In fact, he is afraid of the...

Kennel Tokorozawa

Pet shop owner's daughter Chika Tokorozawa spends every waking hour with her dog, Rin Tin Tin, who repays her love by watching over her while she sleeps. Based on the manga in Young Sunday magazine by Maki Otsubo, who is better known in the manga world for Mr. Cinema.

Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak

On a Mars covered in ice and oceans, people have learned to survive by building large floating city-ships in which they can live. And by using submarines to travel beneath the ice and harsh winds that rage overhead, humanity has been able to develop a global community. But during a distant galactic...

Kenritsu Chikyuu Boueigun

Telegraph Pole Society, a mysterious group, is planning to conquer the world. The principal of the local high school forms a Defense Force by recruiting students from school: Shogi Morita, Kuho Tasuke, and Akiko Ifukube. Meanwhile the high school crazy scientist, Dr. Inogami, has turned a local...

Kenzen Robo Daimidaler

The comedy centers around a high school boy named Madanbashi Kouichi who has Hi-ERo particles, the power source to operate the robotic weapon Daimidaler. With the help of Sonan Kyouko from the mysterious Prince Beauty Parlor organization, he stands up against the Penguin Empire that troubles humanity.

Kenzen Robo Daimidaler (Dub)

Battles continue between "Penguin Empire", the mysterious life form which arrived on earth all of a sudden, and "Beauty Salon Prince", the secret anti-Penguin organization. In order to fight Penguin Empire's gigantic "Penguin Robot", Beauty Salon Prince has developed their ultimate weapon,...

Kenzen Robo Daimidaler Specials

Mini-OVA specials bundled with each Blu-ray/DVD volume of Kenzen Robo Daimidaler.

Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun

Aoyama is a high school boy who has a fastidious nature—but he is a genius soccer player?!

Kero Kero Chime

Aoi, a regular boy, is cused with a spell that turns him into a frog whenever he gets wet. He is sent to another world with a frog kingdom to find the princess to undo the spell. When he finds out that she doesn't know how to lift the curse, they set out to find the spell that will. Along the way...


Second TV (flash animated) series of Keroro Gunsou.

Keroro Gunsou

Keroro is a frog-like alien from planet Keron, who's on a mission to conquer Pekopon (Earth). However, when his cover is blown, his battalion abandons him and he ends up in the home of the Hinata family. There, he's forced to do household chores and sleep in a dark basement that was once a prison...

Keroro Gunsou (Dub)

Unsuspecting inhabitants of the planet Earth are going about their business, enjoying a bright and particularly beautiful sunny day, when a young Japanese boy spots a shiny object falling from the sky... Has an alien invasion finally begun? Elsewhere in Japan, Keroro, frog sergeant and leader of...

Keroro Gunsou Movie 1

Keroro is a frog-like alien sent from his home planet on a mission to conquer Earth. But then his cover is blown, his battalion abandons him and he ends up in the home of the Hinata family where he becomes friends with Fuyuki and gradually starts to forget about his mission, enjoying life on...

Keroro Gunsou Movie 2

During a vacation Natsumi is visited by two male and female aliens named Meru and Maru. After becoming the Deep Sea Princess, Natsumi gains feelings for Meru who is haunted by his traumatic past. Having grown accustomed to Natsumi's title, the Keroro Platoon expects a calm vacation; however, their...

Keroro Gunsou Movie 3

The movie begins with Fuyuki Hinata and the Keroro Platoon exploring an abandoned temple in the mountaintop city of Machu Picchu in Peru. While on the exploration, Keroro accidentally sets off a trap, and by chance they find a hidden chamber with a large blue crystal in the center, on a stand that...

Keroro Gunsou Movie 4

Mysterious giant beings called "Ryū no Shippo" (Dragon Tails) appeared across the world. Due to the danger it could bring, the Keroro Platoon did a worldwide research on the Dragon Tails, but Tamama suddenly disappeared during the research. Because of this, the whole platoon started their search...

Keroro Gunsou Movie 5

One day, a stone carving bearing an uncanny likeness to Keroro arrives at Fuyumi's place. To solve this mystery, the Keroro Squad travels to the isolated and mysterious Easter Island. There, they meet harmless spirits known as Mana, and the odd twins Io and Rana. Lastly, there is Akuaku, a...

Keroro Gunsou Mushakero Ohirome Sengoku Ranstar Dai Battle

This was the 14-minute movie that was screened in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 3. It became the prequel to the Mushakero in season 5 of the main Keroro Gunsou anime series. It takes place in Ranstar where the Keroro platoon are up against the Vipers. The whole setting of Ranstar is based on...


The anime adapted from the manga remake version of the Korean webtoon "A Simple Thinking about Bloodtypes" involving the faceless and nameless characters of four different blood types to discuss about popular anthropomorphized blood types (the stereotypes about the blood types) in Japan and Korea.

Ketsuekigata-kun! 2

Second season of Ketsuekigata-kun! series.

Ketsuekigata-kun! 3

Third season of the Ketsuekigata-kun! series.

Ketsuekigata-kun! 4

4th season of Ketsuekigata-kun! series.

Key the Metal Idol

Tokiko Mima, nicknamed "Key," is a 17-year-old girl living in the Japanese countryside who, despite her human-like appearance, is a robot. When Key's grandfather Dr. Murao Mima passes away, he leaves her a dying message, telling her that she can become a real girl if she is able to make thirty...