
Anime By Letter

Key the Metal Idol (Dub)

Tokiko Mima, nicknamed "Key," is a 17-year-old girl living in the Japanese countryside who, despite her human-like appearance, is a robot. When Key's grandfather Dr. Murao Mima passes away, he leaves her a dying message, telling her that she can become a real girl if she is able to make thirty...


Zed is a 15-year-old boy who lives in Calm. He is frustrated by his current daily life and feels that somewhere out there is a place where he can live more fully. One day, at the invitation of a mysterious wind, Zed dives into a space-time crevasse, seeking the answer that might be there. Riding...

Kiba (Dub)

In a dystopian future, two friends dream of freedom... and gain more than they bargain for! Hothead Zed is on the run from the authorities, while his brainy pal Noah struggles with his own battered body. Both find a magical world that seems to offer escape and power undreamed of. Join Zed and his...


Kick-Heart is a love story between Romeo, a successful pro-wrestler, and Juliet, a nun who lives a secret double-life as a female pro-wrestler. Romeo's secret is that he enjoys taking a beating in the ring, while Juliet feels invigorated when facing her opponents as a wrestler. When the two meet in...

Kiddy Girl-and

The secret agents Éclair and Lumière of Encounter of Shadow-work (ES) once were involved in a battle to decide the fate of mankind in the galaxy. They prevailed and peace was restored. Now, several years later, the galaxy once again stands on the brink of chaos. This conflict will see the dawn of...

Kiddy Grade

In the distant future, humans have rapidly spread across the galaxy, creating thousands of independent planetary states. However, as humans begin to colonise more and more star systems, the scale of the skirmishes between planets escalates. The Intergalactic Planetary Federation (IPF) was...

Kiddy Grade (Dub)

After fighting in numerous interstellar wars, mankind forms the Galactic Union to bring stability and to prevent conflicts between different planets. However, disputes between members of the union itself persists. In the Star Century year 0165, the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT)...

Kiddy Grade: Ignition

A recap of the original anime's first quarter.

Kiddy Grade: Maelstrom

A recap of the original anime's second quarter.

Kiddy Grade: Truth Dawn

This Movie is the retelling of the original anime's final.

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (Dub)

In the future, rapidly advancing technology gives birth to giant robots known as "Labors," so named for their usefulness in heavy industry. However, this also gives rise to "Labor crimes," resulting the need for a new branch of law enforcement equipped with and dedicated to the policing of Labors....

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie (Dub)

Three years after the Babylon Project conspiracy is resolved, the members of Kiichi Gotou's Patlabor unit have gone their separate ways. Gotou remains with the Patlabor team, accompanied by Shinobu Nagumo, his romantic crush and comrade. Playing into the public's skepticism toward the Japanese...

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor the Movie (Dub)

The Babylon Project is a massive renovation of Tokyo's neighborhoods, including the creation of artificial islands in the Bay. Utilizing "Labors," or robots created for the express purpose of doing work, architects and construction crews are able to more efficiently progress development of the...

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: New OVA (Dub)

Special Vehicles Division 2 is back on duty, along with their Ingram Patrol Labor (Patlabor) robots. Using their courage as well as the Ingrams, Captain Goto's motley crew of officers battle crime in Tokyo city. They also deal with their personal lives, as well as the supernatural.

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television (Dub)

In the future, advanced robotics has created heavy robots ("labors") for use in a variety of functions: construction, fire-fighting, military, and more. However, though the robots are only machines, their operators are also only human—and humans sometimes turn to crime. Since a heavy labor unit can...

Kidou Senkan Nadesico

Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows...

Kidou Senkan Nadesico (Dub)

Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows...

Kidou Senkan Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness (Dub)

Two years have passed since the end of the "Martian Successor Nadesico." Akito and Yurika have disappeared. The Jovians and the Earthlings have joined forces and Ruri is now captain of Nadesico B. As the popularity of Boson Jumping grows, a vast transportation network has been developed. Dubbed the...

Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo (Dub)

Suletta Mercury leaves her planet and enters the Asticassia School of Technology at the behest of her mother. There, right and wrong are determined through duels between students, and the top-ranking duelist will receive Miorine Rembran as their fiancée—this prize being decided by Miorine's...

Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin - Zenya Akai Suisei

The tragic story of Char Aznable, the ace pilot known as the Red Comet, and his sister Sayla Mass unfolds against the backdrop of the events leading to the One Year War. The Zabi family's rise to power, the birth of the Principality of Zeon, the early days of famous aces such as Ramba Ral and the...

Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin - Zenya Akai Suisei (Dub)

The tragic story of Char Aznable, the ace pilot known as the Red Comet, and his sister Sayla Mass unfolds against the backdrop of the events leading to the One Year War. The Zabi family's rise to power, the birth of the Principality of Zeon, the early days of famous aces such as Ramba Ral and the...

Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken

Set in the Meiji era, Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken tells the story of Kondou Yuuko, Hijikata Toshie and Okita Kaoru. These three are the daughters of former Shinsengumi members and, in the same fashion as their fathers were, they get called upon to protect Japan from its current problems. Much of...

Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken TV

Set in an alternate version of the Meiji Era, a boy named Sakamoto Ryunosuke returns to Kyoto from Shanghai with his monster (youkai) Nekomaru. The law states that in order to live freely with humans, a youkai must be liscensed. The Kidou Shinsengumi Co. Ltd. is responsible for the capture of...

Kigurumikku V3

In this story by director Hisashi Saito (Bamboo Blade), a hyper girl named Azuki Edomae and her friends Mutsumi Mutsuki and Serika Shihoudou protect the peaceful order of a town by transforming into Kigurumikku-Swan, Kigurumikku-Falcon, and Kigurumikku-Swallow, respectively, via cosplay outfits....

Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki

This is the visual diary of Kiitarou's experience with youkai. He's a boy with a very strong spirit sense, but when he entered a forbidden storehouse, he was kicked out of his home. He soon found a new place to live, where he met a zashiki warashi (house spirit) named Suzu. He and Suzu soon began...

Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki: Jonan no Saijitsu

An unaired episode 13 of Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki included on the DVD/BD release. Kiitarou runs into typical ecchi manga tropes due to Lucky Eros albeit he doesn't feel "lucky" and tries to avoid everything happening between him and the female youkai.

Kijin Gentoushou

In the Edo period, there was a shrine maiden called "Itsukihime" in the mountain village of Kadono. Jinta, a young man who acts as the shrine maiden's guardian despite being a stranger, encounters a mysterious demon who speaks of the far future in the forest where he went to defeat it. From Edo to...

Kikaider 01 The Animation (Dub)

Ever since the fall of the DARK organization, Jiro has been wandering everywhere and wondering if he would ever see Mitsuko again or not. During his journey Jiro meets a beautiful girl named Rieko who is protecting Akira, a little boy from the evil Professor Gill. Ironicly, he's the son of...

Kikansha no Mahou wa Tokubetsu desu; A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

The world is on the brink of destruction after a devastating ten-year war in the "shadow labyrinth." Desir Herrman is one of the last skilled magicians left standing, but even he is no match for the formidable foe threatening humanity's very existence. Just when he's certain the end has come, he is...

Kiki to Lala no Habatake! Pegasus

Kiki and Lala try to help a lost Pegasus get home. Pegasus keeps getting on Kiki's nerves with his foolishness and the journey becomes increasingly difficult.