
Anime By Letter

Koroshi Ai (Dub)

Novice bounty hunter Chateau Dankworth never expected to encounter someone capable of overpowering her in combat. Even less so that the mysterious man would take an immediate interest in her—to the point of aiding her missions. However, Chateau makes it clear that she has no plans of entertaining...

Koroshiya-san: The Hired Gun

The comedy story follows the title character, who is regarded by himself and others as the best hit man in Japan. He goes by the motto, “If I have an assignment, I will kill anything.” However, his “killing” assignments have expanded to include everything from summer vacation homework to...

Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama: Konpeitou no Ryuu

Kosukesama Rikimarusama: Konpeito no Ryu was a 45 minute long anime TV special produced by J.C. Staff and broadcast on Japanese television in 1988. Similar to Dragon Ball, it was a martial arts adventure story featuring villains that could have stepped out of the Red Ribbon Army, typical Toriyama...

Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi

The "apartment comedy with laughs and tears" centers on a four-year-old boy named Kotarou Satоou, who moves next door to Shin Karino, an unsuccessful manga artist. Kotarou has no parents and lives alone. Not only does he seem to earn a living, he actually seems more put together than his own...

Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi (Dub)

The "apartment comedy with laughs and tears" centers on a four-year-old boy named Kotarou Satоou, who moves next door to Shin Karino, an unsuccessful manga artist. Kotarou has no parents and lives alone. Not only does he seem to earn a living, he actually seems more put together than his own...

Kotetsushin Jeeg

The story of Kotetsushin Jeeg takes place fifty years after the original and features a new cast of characters - primarily the new main character Kenji Kusanagi, a high school student and motorcycle racer who becomes Kotetsushin Jeeg to fight the sudden reappearance of Haniwa Genjin (Haniwa Phantom...

Kotonoha no Niwa

We have met, for each of us to walk forward.Takao, who is training to become a shoemaker, skipped school and is sketching shoes in a Japanese-style garden. He meets a mysterious woman, Yukino, who is older than him. Then, without arranging the times, the two start to see each other again and again,...

Kotonoha no Niwa (Dub)

On a rainy morning in Tokyo, Takao Akizuki, an aspiring shoemaker, decides to skip class to sketch designs in a beautiful garden. This is where he meets Yukari Yukino, a beautiful yet mysterious woman, for the very first time. Offering to make her new shoes, Takao continues to meet with Yukari...


Ever since Kotoura Haruka was a little girl, she was able to read the minds of those surrounding her. And even though this gift may be special, in her life so far it only had devastating results: Her innocent babbling led to the divorce of her parents, who then left her with her grandfather. And in...

Kotoura-san Haruka no Heya

Mini episodes of Kotoura-san introducing each of the series' characters.

Kotoura-san Special

Ever since Kotoura Haruka was a little girl, she was able to read the minds of those surrounding her. And even though this gift may be special, in her life so far it only had devastating results: Her innocent babbling led to the divorce of her parents, who then left her with her grandfather. And in...

Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking Super Battle Movie: Yami no Kaizou Kouchuu

A shadow of Darkness approaches a peaceful Forest... Sounds like trouble for Mushiking! Lets put our strengths together and fight Adder! Deep in the Forest exists a paradise for the fairies and insects. There, Popo the Fairy, Mushiking, The King of Beetles, and many other beetles live happily...

Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking: Mori no Tami no Densetsu

The story begins with a spaceship struggling to return to its home world, which crash lands onto a dying planet, triggering an explosion of pure energy, generated by the powerful and mysterious life forms that are piloting the craft. This outburst of energy infuses the dying planet with a...

Koufuku Graffiti

The story follows Ryou, a middle school girl who lives by herself. She has a knack for cooking and makes friendships with everyone through her food. The cooking manga is "full of detailed cuisine art to whet the appetite and slightly erotic meal scenes." The "koufuku" in the title is a wordplay on...

Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 - Jizoku Kanou Sensou

Compilation film of Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Movie with new scenes.

Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 - Jizoku Kanou Sensou (Dub)

Compilation film of Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Movie with new scenes.

Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 (Dub)

In the year 2045, after an economic disaster known as the Synchronized Global Default, rapid developments in AI propelled the world to enter a state of “Sustainable War”. However, the public is not aware of the threat that AI has towards the human race. Full-body cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi and...

Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Season 2

Second season of Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045.

Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 Season 2 (Dub)

Second season of Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045.

Koukaku Kidoutai: Shin Gekijouban

The official website for Ghost in the Shell: Arise announced that a new Ghost in the Shell film is in production and is slated to open in theaters in Japan in 2015.

Koukaku no Pandora

When Nanakorobi Nene, a cybernetically enhanced girl-next-door, heads to the island metropolis of Cenancle to live with her aunt, she has no way of knowing what's in store for her. A chance meeting intertwines her fate with that of the super-rich inventor, Uzal Delilah, and her adorable and grumpy...

Koukaku no Pandora (Dub)

"Your innermost desires determine your real purpose." In Koukaku no Pandora, two young cyborgs cross paths on a cruise heading towards the stunning Cenacle Island—a popular tropical destination that not only offers world-class vacation luxuries, stunning scenery and services, but also...

Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 2: Anemone

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Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 2: Anemone (Dub)

Second in a trilogy of films that take place after the original Eureka Seven but before Eureka Seven AO.

Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 3: Eureka

The virtual world inside the scub coral (intelligent coral-like lifeforms) created by Eureka... The people from that virtual world appeared on Earth ten years ago when it collapsed. Since this large-scale amalgamation, the humans from the virtual world call themselves "Green Earth" and the original...

Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 3: Eureka (Dub)

The virtual world inside the scub coral (intelligent coral-like lifeforms) created by Eureka... The people from that virtual world appeared on Earth ten years ago when it collapsed. Since this large-scale amalgamation, the humans from the virtual world call themselves "Green Earth" and the original...

Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1

Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1 is the first part of a three-part film trilogy that serves as a reboot of the original Eureka Seven television series.

Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1 (Dub)

Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1 is the first part of a three-part film trilogy that serves as a reboot of the original Eureka Seven television series.

Koukyuu no Karasu

Deep within the inner palace lives a special consort who does not serve the emperor despite her position, known as the Raven Consort. People who have seen her say she looks like an old woman, while others say she looks like a young girl. Stories talk of her use of mysterious arts and how she can...

Koukyuu no Karasu (Dub)

Deep within the inner palace lives a special consort who does not serve the emperor despite her position, known as the Raven Consort. People who have seen her say she looks like an old woman, while others say she looks like a young girl. Stories talk of her use of mysterious arts and how she can...