
Anime By Letter

Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust

Villgust is a peaceful world that exists parallel to ours. However, now an evil deity has been revived and has sent evil creatures to destroy many countries, which left darkness and terror to rule the world. The peoples' prayers and cries has reached out to the goddess Windina and in order to free...

Kouryuu no Mimi: Mina no Shou

Based on the manga by Inoue Noriyoshi, which has also had a Super Famicom game spinoff. Natsume Kiroemon, the protagonist, was the 45th leader of the Natsume family, and inherit the "Kiryuu no Mimi ", a tool which gave its bearer easy access to wealth and women. As a result of his father's...

Kousoku Denjin Albegus

Three talented students of a technical high school, Daisaku, Tetsuya and Hotaru create award-winning robots as part of a school competition. At this time, the evil Derinja race that plans control of all space extends its ambitions to Earth. To combat this threat, Hotaru's father, Professor Mizuki,...

Koutetsu Jeeg

Hiroshi Shiba is an outstanding car racer whose father is assassinated upon the discovery of the Bronze Bell from an ancient civilization. This Bronze Bell is coveted by Queen Himika who comes from that ancient era; the Yamatai Kingdom, and whose ambitions are to seize the Bell and dominate earth....

Koutetsu Sangokushi

The Imperial Seal has been passed down through the generations since ancient times. It confers great power unto the warriors that it chooses. This is the story of those warriors. It is a time of chaos and of civil war. It is a time when great armies clash in titanic battles and great heroes...

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting humans with its bite, the monster can create aggressive and undead creatures known as Kabane. On the island...

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri (Dub)

The world is in the midst of the industrial revolution when horrific creatures emerge from a mysterious virus, ripping through the flesh of humans to sate their never-ending appetite. The only way to kill these beings, known as "Kabane," is by destroying their steel-coated hearts. However, if...

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 1: Tsudou Hikari

Compilation film of the first half of the TV series.

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 2: Moeru Inochi

Compilation film of the second half of the TV series.

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri: Unato Kessen

Sequel of Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri: Unato Kessen (Dub)

The movie is a continuation of the story from the original series that takes place half a year later. The original team joins an alliance to help take back the area around Unato Castle, however things do not go as planned. Will Ikoma and his friends be able to survive, or will they fall to the...

Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai

In a barren frontier where people trade goods with each other in order to help each other survive. The Kotobuki Squadron are bodyguards for hire, led by a strict but beautiful squadron leader, an unreliable commanding officer, and a true artisan of a crew chief. Alongside pilots who don't lack for...

Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Gaiden: Oozora no Harukaze Hikoutai

A short spin-off anime released on "Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai: Oozora no Takeoff Girls!" game app and YouTube.

Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Kanzenban

Compilation film with new content.


Kowabon, a horror story, will be animated using a technique called rotoscoping. Animators will trace live-action footage frame-by-frame to recreate it as animation.

Kowarekake no Orgol

Keiichiro, a young man who lives alone in his house, went through a lot of pain in his life, since the tragic car accident that killed his parents and younger sister, blaming himself for surviving.One rainy day, he seeks shelter in an old shrine. There he notices a little girl, sitting on a chair,...

Kowarekake no Orgol Special

In 2039, helper androids are widespread as general purpose electronics. Keiichiro lost his family in a traffic accident and retired from his band. One day, he finds an old model android in a garbage dump. He takes her home but after taking her to a repair shop he was told she couldn't be repaired...

Koyomi History

Adaptation of Koyomi History short story released on Madogatari Blu-ray.


Based on a series of light novels written by Nishio Ishin and illustrated by Vofan.


A gag, flash animation comedy that centers around a purported college student named Haruo "Cat" Kyattsuyama who only went to his school, the low-tier Kunekune College, once. One day, he sees a cute Russian Blue cat named Kan-u abandoned in a cardboard box on the roadside somewhere in Japan....

Kuang Shen Mo Zun

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Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai

The story revolves around the protagonist "I" and the murders and mysteries he encounters. He tries in vain to stay out of the story, but instead he always gets dragged into the center of everything. Even though it seems that he contributes a lot, he always finds out that whatever he did was...

Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai

High school student Junta Shiraishi has a simple goal—to live a fulfilling youth. However, achieving this goal appears to be harder than expected, as everyone in his surroundings often fails to notice him due to his lack of presence. In fact, Shiraishi's lack of presence is so severe that people...

Kud Wafter

This anime adapts Key's visual novel Kud Wafter, which follows the romantic relationship between Riki Naoe and Kudryavka Noumi from the game Little Busters!

Kuiba II: Dazhan Yuan Yang Jie

Every 333 years, an abomination is born, a being known as Kuiba, destined to be the nemesis of all, and bring disaster to the world. In Kuiba year 1664, the sixth-generation Kuiba appeared. After narrowly escaping a preemptive strike by the forces of heaven, the young Kuiba was adopted by Man...

Kuiba III: Zhanshen Jueqi

Before he can get close to the real enemy, Manji faces challenges from two powerful opponents : Da Cang - a master of using body pulse, and Hai Wen Xiang - a sea witch who is extremely loyal to Kuiba. When Manji is unwillingly engaged in an intense battle with Hai Wen Xiang. Kuiba reveals its...

Kuiba Zhi Shu Tu

The story takes place in Lingshan, where a group of "hopeless" people are gathered on the earth. Most of them are poor, vicious, or extremely evil, abandoned by the society in Lingshan. This is where the fourth generation of Kuiba Mi Lin was born. The Heavens struggled to find Kuiba to no avail....

Kuiba: Zhi Shiwanhuoji

Every 333 years the ultimate universal devil known as "Kuiba" is reborn. With each rebirth, Kuiba brings absolute destruction. In order to battle Kuiba, Deities and people team up and assassinate him just before his revival. In 1664, the year of Kuiba's rebirth, the assassination attempt failed....


A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has...

Kujakuou (Dub)

A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has...